
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yogyakarta Trip Day 1 - Prambanan

We took a 4-day-3 night trip to Yogya (pronounce as Djog-ja, or Jog-ja). Our brief itinerary- first day, we reached Adisutjipto Airport at 9:30 am, settled and took our early lunch at our hotel, followed by a 3-hour tour around Prambanan. We took our first dinner at Malioboro night market. The second day, we departed early to Borobudur and spent a whole morning there. Then, Kraton Palace and Tamansari Water Palace in the afternoon. We went to Malioboro Mall at night. On the third day, we went shopping at Malioboro in the morning, then we went back to Tamansari Water Palace to catch some of the interesting parts that we missed on our second day's visit. After that, we spent the rest of the afternoon time at Ambarrukmo Mall, the largest shopping complex in Yogya. We had our very wonderful dinner on the top floor of our hotel. Fourth day, we took our early flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

Yogyakarta is a city built on the old kingdom of Sailendra and Mataram. Beside the city are two prominent religious edifices. Borobudur, 40 km north west, and Prambanan, 17 km east, are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Overall, the trip to Yogya was more leisure than our previous trip to Siem Reap, with more time to spare and to rest. The weather in the month of April during our visit was hot and humid, which we had no problem to get along with it, as we enjoy the same weather condition in Malaysia whole year round. Hot weather is a blessing in the sense that, we could take beautiful photos with clear blue sky.

So, let's start with our trip to Candi Prambanan (Temple of Prambanan). 17 km east of Yogya, the temple is in fact located in the province of Central Jawa (not in Yogya). We took a taxi from our All Season Hotel, with RP 70,000 (approx. RM 24 or USD 8) and extra RP 5000 for the entrance to the parking area. The journey took us 25 minutes. The taxi driver refused to wait for us at Prambanan. He gave his company's business card to us and instructed us to call for another taxi to return to the hotel. We paid RP 125,000 per person for the entrance ticket of Prambanan National Archaeological Park (approx. RM 42 or USD 14). The local name for the park is "Taman Wisata Prambanan", which means "Prambanan Tourism Park".

Candi Prambanan is believed to be built by Rakai Pikatan and other Kings of Mataram at 850 AD, 300 years earlier than Angkor Wat. As a counteract to the great Borobudur and Candi Sewu of Buddhism, the purpose of building the temple itself made it had to be huge, majestic, and a wonder of architecture. With the highest point of 47 m, it is considered one of the largest Hindu temple outside of India.

The temple faces east- a sign of the dominancy of Shivaism. So, it's not a surprise for us to know that the tallest tower at the middle of the temple is dedicated to Shiva. Flanking the Shiva's tower are two lesser towers dedicated to Brahma and Vishnu respectively. These three huge towers are called the Three Trimurti. In front of the Three Trimurti are three small towers dedicated to the Vahanas- Nandi the bull for Shiva, Hamsa the goose for Brahma, and Garuda the eagle for Vishnu. The tower dedicated to Shiva was closed to visitors during our trip. The main temple complex is surrounded by 224 small pervara towers (the guardian towers). However, by far, only two of the pervara towers have been restored.

We can see all six major towers from the main entrance of Candi Prambanan (facing east).

Our photo with Candi Prambanan a hundred meters away.

The towers of Vahanas, dedicated to the Nandi (right) and Garuda (left). The photo taken from the tower of Brahma.

Story of Ramayana starts at the Shiva's tower and continues to Brahma's tower, depicted by the bas-relief at the inner side of the balustrades, starting from left to right. So, the correct order to read the story is to follow the bas-relief in clockwise direction. Story of Krisnayana is depicted at the bas-relief at the Vishnu tower. As we didn't hire a guide, what we could only try our best to figure the story behind the aging stone works, by ourselves. Anyway, the bas-relief somehow brought our memory of Angkor Wat and Bayon back to us- same stonework, but at different period of time, at different places, by different civilization.

The staircase is not as steep as the temples at Angkor. We had no problem climbing to the upper levels of the tower of Brahma. The first level of the tower of Brahma with panels of bas-reliefs depict the stories from Ramayana (upper right). The lower row shows two of the panels available at Brahma's tower.

A part of the Shiva's tower with great detailed artworks.

There is a legend that connects Candi Sewu (Temple of a thousand towers) to the statue of Durga in the tallest tower of Candi Prambanan. The legend tells that there was once Prince Bandung falled in love with Princess Lara Jonggrang of Boko,  and pressing for a forced marriage. The princess succumbed with a term- the prince had to build a temple with a thousand towers in one single night. The task was not too hard for the prince as he summoned spirits from the earth to help him. At the very blink in completing 999 towers, the princess deceived the spirits by faking the sunrise- pounding rice and setting fire at the east of the temple, which lured the cocks to crow, and drove all the spirits back to the ground. Mission failed, and the prince drove mad. He cursed the princess and turned her into a stone statue. Well, the story ended sad, the unfinished temple turned to be Candi Sewu, while Lara Jonggrang, turned to be Durga statue in Candi Prambanan.

We spent more than one hour at Candi Prambanan, admiring to architectural wonder and the wisdom of the past. We were lucky to have the chance to witness the greatness of Candi Prambanan with our very own eyes. One of our friends went to Prambanan a year earlier in 2011, with the construction of recovery was undergoing. He couldn't see much as the protective curtains had blocked many parts of the temple. Well, our advice to all our readers, go and visit the temple as soon as possible before next quake hits it (touch wood).

Towers of Prambanan from the west- backside of the temple.

A closer look on the temple.

Most of the guardian towers are still lay in ruin. Many years are required to restore the temple to its former glory.

This is how Prambanan looks like from the northern side of the temple. This photo is taken at the opposite side with the previous photo.

There are other three temples in Prambanan National Archaeological Park- Candi Lumbung, Candi Bubrah, and Candi Sewu. Lumbung and Bubrah were literally lay in ruins. The restoration was still ongoing during our visit, but we could anticipate that the full restoration is still a long way to go. These two temples could be seen along the way from Candi Prambanan to Candi Sewu. We took around 20 minutes to walk from Prambanan to Sewu. Shading trees and the resting areas had made our journey by foot bearable (we were indeed quite tired after staying for more than one hour at Prambanan).

This is how Candi Lumbung looked like during our visit.

The condition of Candi Bubrah was even worse. We couldn't even see any gathering stones that resemble a temple. However, we could see the restoration work was ongoing (upper right).

Candi Sewu (Temple of Thousand Towers) is around 800 m away from Candi Prambanan. It is the second largest Buddist temple complex in the area (which the biggest is Borobudur). The temple is believed to be built 100 years before Candi Prambanan. Although named a thousand, the actual number of towers are 249, with the main tower building errects about 30 m above the ground. Candi Sewu is a temple that worth a visit. We stayed and roamed around the temple for 20 minutes.

This is how the second largest Buddist Temple looked like from the main entrance during our visit. The main tower complex have been restored. 

A close look on the main tower complex. The highest point of the tower reaches 30 m high.

We climbed to the top level of the main tower complex, turned around, and this is what we saw.

Photos taken inside (left) and outside (right) of the main tower complex.

Most of the small towers surrounding the main temple complex were still in ruin.

Candi Sewu is badly damaged over time. But not all of them by nature. The missing head of the Buddha is believed had been taken by somebody as a private collection (upper left). Many of the missing pieces of the puzzling temple has been found in the villages nearby. On the same type of the towers, the photo on the lower left shows the one with many of the original stones found, while the lower right shows the one with the replacement stones.

On our way back to the entrance (park operator office), we visited the park archaeological museum and audio visual presentation. The archaeological museum was quite attractive (free entrance), which many of the statues and pieces of the ruins discovered were displayed. The audio visual presentation, on the other hand, was not in good quality. However, with RP 5000, the presentation was proven a bit helpful for us to understand more about the background of the temples. The air condition helped to cool us down after a long walk.

The park was quite densed with trees, so travel by foot is not a problem, even under the blazing sun (upper right). Many artifacts were displayed in the museum (lower left), which includes many stones and sculptures which their origin are yet to be identified. A part of the museum has the photos on display, showing how Candi Prambanan been discovered and restored. The photo on lower right shows the condition of Candi Prambanan in 1923.

The entrance to the parking area of Prambanan Archaeological Park (upper left). We need to pay RP 5000 to enter the parking area. The ticket counter is around 100 m from the entrance (upper right). Food stalls and souvenir shops are available only at the exit of the park.

After we left the park, we call the hotline number writen on the business card, which was given by our taxi driver. The operator requested our location and handphone number. Our experience was, we have to understand a little bit of Indonesian Language (which thank God, is quite similar to Malay Language) in order to communicate with the operator, and we had to tell the operator that we are the tourists with oversea handphone numbers, or else, the operator will keep on asking and confirming our handphone number. Our taxi reached within 15 minutes.

Our advice to all of our readers, if you can endure the hot and humid (like us), a visit in the afternoon can be a good idea. We arrived at Prambanan around 1 pm and went out around 4:30 pm. There were less visitors during that period of time and we had a lot of opportunities to take good photos with all the temples. Bring along a foldable umbrella or a hat is a good idea. A pair of comfortable shoes or sandals is a must. Bringing a bottle of mineral water is really essential, as the one-and-the-only-one canteen in the park is the only place that we can buy drinks and food. Tram service is available from time to time, but walking around might offers different experience to us. Last but not least, if you can't understand any of Indonesian Language, rent a car might be the safest way for you to visit Prambanan. Or, get a taxi, deal with the driver to get him wait for you at Prambanan. Most of the taxi drivers that we encountered were not good in English. Try to use simple language when you deal with them.

Trip to Prambanan was a great experience to us. We would like to recommend that your trip should start with Prambanan first, before you step your foot on Borobudur. Borobudur is much more "monumental" than Prambanan. So, if we start with Borobudur, we might get so called "anti-climax" experience. 

Second day in Yogya, our trip to Borobudur started early in the morning. Please follow us to Borobudur now.

[Yogyakarta Trip Day 1- Prambanan] [Yogyakarta Trip Day 2-Borobudur]


  1. i saw a glow over the buildings in one of your pics:


    1. Yes Alex, we were surprised by the effect, which we can't explain it as well. We take it as unexpected "special effect" :p

  2. I will be going to Yogyakarta next April and will definitely use your itinerary as guidance in planning my 4D/3N trip. One major difference is that I will not be going to Borobudur since I had been there and will instead try to climb Mount Merapi.

    1. Thanks for stopping by my friend. Saw your photo at Borobudur. Climbing Mount Merapi should be adventurous. Wish you have a nice trip there, looking forward for your sharing :)

  3. nice, nice, nice , read too

    1. Thank you very much. Read your blog, but not quite understand your language. Are you Indonesian?

  4. Nice article, dude! Maybe could be a good recommendation for you to find another interesting destinations in Indonesia...

    1. Thanks gigitata. Our reader might be interested to read the recommendation there :)

  5. Great to know that our sharing about Prambanan has been published at

  6. i like this pict and i like prambanan temple

  7. I will be going to Indonesia this November, and this article help me lot in preparing the itinerary since im not using travel agency. But i wonders can both (Borobudur in Prambanan) tour can fit in one day? and how about shopping in yogya , are the price cheaper than Bandung?

    1. Good day c.i.d.a.
      Borobudur and Prambanan can be visited on the same day. We would advice to visit Borobudur first early in the morning, then Prambanan in the afternoon.

      Regarding the shopping, we can't really answer the question, as we have not been to Bandung. Based on our experience (without taking account the inflation or deflation), things in Yogya is a bit cheaper than Bali, and richer in variety as well.

  8. nice your blog :)
    Rental Mobil Jogja, Xenia, Avanza, Apv Rp. 150.000,- Wisata Jogja Rp. 150.000,- fasilitas Mobil + Driver + Hotel full service. Hub kami 0274-788.1681 / 0857.2928.2928 / 0812.1554.1554 / BB pin:230C5DC1. Hanya ada di Satrio Langit Transport, Rental Mobil Jogja terpercaya.

    1. Thank you dimas. Dear readers, the car rental information for Jogja is available at, provided by Satrio Langit. Hope the info is helpful to you all :)

  9. Great info. Plan to go there this year :

  10. i have read your article and looked at your all images you took while you were in yogyakarta,those are so nice,and i am excited you enjoyed visiting yogyakarta my city,but although your trip day was middling long actually,there are still many destinations you had not visited,i hope you will be eager to visit yogyakarta again next time,and if you want to ask about yogyakarta,i am glad to answer it

  11. Hi ...,
    I am from Yogya.
    I am very happy to read your posts.
    In Yogyakarta there are many more interesting attractions. For example, Pindul Cave, Jomblang cave, Indrayanti beach , etc
    if you visit to Jogja again be able to enjoy other tourism place in jogja that are very interesting.

  12. Nice blog,, I am happy there is a person who write about Candi Prambanan which is very complete with a lot of details picture.
    Candi Prambanan is just near my house, I live in Jogjakarta.

    Please visit my blogs too,, here you can find about Jogja, my city.





    We hope this is usefull for anyone,,
    Thank you and salam.
    We are waiting for you to come here,, :D

  13. Thanks for giving so much details on prambanan and borobudur. Just wondering, in comparison to angkor wat, which would you say is a more difficult climb. I visited angkor in flipflops, and some of the steps were so narrow I was relieved that I wasnt wearing shoes! :P so now, I need to gauge how is borobudur, and if I can manage a sunrise tour without falling off the steps. LOL...
    - Flo

  14. Hi, is renting that taxi safe in Yogyakarta?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Jati, thank you for your information. Hope you can give the best to our readers :)

    2. Hi jati, do u provide pick up service from malang Surabaya to jogja? I will be having a conference at hotel santika premiere malang coming april. After a conference i would like to travel from malang to jogja.

    3. Dear Toh, good day! Perhaps, you wish to call or SMS Jati's company for a faster response. Do feel free to feedback regarding the service to us in near future.

      Thank you very much!

  16. Thank you sir, we from yogyakarta indonesia always smile seen your photos in this blog. Your experience to indonesian very complete writed in your blog. we will share for you beautifull location in Yogyakarta indonesia to your reference when you will tour to Yogyakarta, Indonesian again. please visit Thank You :)

  17. Thanks for sharing. I finally visited Prambanan and Borobudur. Sharing my experience starting from:

    1. Dear Paulo Tan,
      You are most welcome, and thanks for sharing your experience :)


    Yogyakarta Airport, Yogyakarta Attraction, Yogyakarta Hotel, Yogyakarta Hotel Itinerary, Yogyakarta Map, Yogyakarta Map Wikitravel, Yogyakarta Thing To Do, Yogyakarta To Bali, Yogyakarta To Borobudur, Yogyakarta To Bromo, Yogyakarta To Mount Bromo, Yogyakarta To Prambanan, Yogyakarta To Singapore, Yogyakarta To Surabaya, Yogyakarta Tour, Yogyakarta Tour Package, Yogyakarta Tourism, Yogyakarta Travel, Yogyakarta Travel Blog, Yogyakarta Tripadvisor, Yogyakarta Weather

    Yogyakarta Tour (4 Days/3 Nights)
    Day 1 (September 1, 2015)
    Airport – Prambanan
    Our fully-air conditioned bus picks you up at Adisucipto International Airport of Yogyakarta (JOG). On the way to Prambanan Temple, we will stop by in the nearby restaurant to have a lunch. The bus directly transfers to Prambanan Temple. Built in the 10th century, this largest Hindu temple was dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer. After enjoying historical Prambanan Temple, the bus drive you to a hotel, visitor takes a break and spends leisure time in the hotel as well to stay overnight. Hotels available is Abadi Hotel. Dinner is prepared during the break in the evening.
    Day 2 (September 2, 2015)
    Borobudor – Merapi
    The tour starts after having breakfast at the hotel. Visitors are then invited to experience the magnificent Borobudur temple. As you climb the top of the temple, spend some more time to rest and marvel at beautiful mountain landscape and feel the gently blowing wind up there.
    From Borobudur, the next destination will be Merapi with its marvelous lava scene. The Tourists can take a close look on materials former of Merapi eruption. In addition to making people understand how powerful the eruption of Mount Merapi. With lava tour, tourists can see the peak of Mount Merapi, with visibility about 2 km. The mountain with elevations of 2,965 m above sea, sulfatara produces smoke that can never stop rising from the crater.
    Day 2 tour ends in the afternoon when the car transfers you back to your hotel. Lunch and Dinner are included.
    Day 3 (September 3, 2015)
    Keraton – Beringharjo – Parangtritis
    First destination of the palace of Yogyakarta which is known as the Keraton is open at 08.30 AM to 12.30 PM. This ancient palace reflecting the Javanese cosmos requires you to explore the palace on foot.
    Taking a short rest after exploring the Palace, we will be heading to Parangtritis beach. Parangtritis beach offers romantic sunset with pure beautiful sand. At the end of the east coast of Parangtritis Beach where the cluster of rocks that is so beautiful, so it is often used as the spot of a pre-wedding photo shoot. The dim twilight and golden shade of the sun on the water surface more raise a romantic atmosphere.
    Lunch and Dinner are included.
    Day 4 (September, 2015)
    Shopping – airport
    After having breakfast in the hotel, you have free time for souvenir or handicraft shopping. After that, the bus directly transfers you to airport for your next destination.

    More Information
    Mrs Evi

    1. Thank you for your information. We would like to be clear that all the travel agents' information posted in comment area are NOT recommended by us. As these information might be useful to our readers, we allow them to be posted, and it is under reader's own discretion.

  19. Hi Couple Love Betty and Ling Shing,
    How was there? I miss that place so much and by read your article here, made me more and more miss Jogja haha. I feel like gonna cry caused how much I miss that place haha :'v.. I wish I could make time to be there. I like this article :D

    1. Thank you Pradis. Really agree with you that Jogya is a lovely place. We will, in future return the that city for another vacation :)

  20. Memory Bandoeng Travel & Tours
    Menyediakan khidmat sewa kenderaan di Bandung

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    5H4M - RM345/-
    *min 6 pax

    Pakej termasuk:
    3 Malam Penginapan (Hotel 3***)
    3 x Sarapan Pagi (Hotel)
    Transport/Minyak Kereta/Driver (Tour Guide)/Parking

    Pakej Tidak Termasuk:
    Tiket Pesawat & Cukai Airport
    Tiket Masuk Pusat Wisata
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    (Jika dari Airport Jakarta)

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  21. Thank for your sharing experince, hopefully you will come back to Yogyakarta, if you interested we have package that you can choose for Yogyakarta Tour Best Operator by Pusaka Tour in Jogja> Best Regard.

  22. Haha, you are right! A road map is important.

  23. I recommend you to use a car rental service Dom Transport if you are planning a vacation in Yogyakarta, when you are planning to visit the Borobudur temple, Prambanan, or other tourist destinations around Yogyakarta.

    if you use the services Dom Transport you will feel very safe and comfortable. if you still feel hesitant to pay an advance booking, you can directly order it when you've arrived in Yogyakarta. even you can all booked so Dom Transport pick you up at the airport or train station. Easy does not it?

    but of course if you've booked in advance, it will make you more comfortable because when you arrived in Yogyakarta, certainly there is a car ready to pick you. after all the required down payment amount is not large.

    Dom Transport cars and drivers will make your holiday trip in Yogyakarta feels comfortable as being on vacation accompanied by your close friends in Yogyakarta.

    if you need more details, please send me a message via e-mail or whatsapp me at +62 888 0603 0838. thank you.

  24. Your photos so authentic, i like it!
    Thank you for sharing your experience in Yogyakarta. :)
    By the way, you need to update the entrance fee of the temple.
    Otherwise, your reader can browse this:
    Yogyakarta Backpacking Guidance
    The website so different than others.
    it's more detail, updated and made by local.
    You can get info about public transport to the sights, entrance fee, best time to visit, cafe, hostel,

    cell phone coverage, currency rate, even info about restroom and weather forecast (sunset) at Prambanan

    temple provided.
    It would be useful for your readers.
    Go...go...check it out!

    1. Dear Roni, good day! The entrance fee will definitely rise. The information given in our blog were base on the entrance fee during our visit a few years back. Thanks for your update. Btw, we found the website provided was interesting.

  25. Betty and Ling Shing,Thank You for the info provided,and its very useful for us. Me and my family will be visiting Jogja at end of July for 3 day 2 nights.I think we will follow most of your itenenary visiting places in Jogja. By the way are there any place that you had miss out or hope to visit in Jogja again next time ?

    1. Dear Sim, good day! Glad to know you found our blog useful. Borobudur and Prambanan were our main focus in our previous tour. Kraton and Taman Sari were the hidden gems, which we found were the must visit sites as well. Miss out? Nope. The beaches and the volcanoes are very far away from Jogya.

  26. Or probably any other advise or place to visit,if i have the time in Jogja. Any advise on whether i should book a car with chauffeur or just take taxi to the visiting area?..Thanks in advance.

    1. Sim, Prambanan can be visited with taxi, but do book the taxi for the returning trip. It will be hard to catch a taxi from Prambanan, especially near to the closing time. For Borobudur, it will be good to get a local tour or rent a car as the location is a distant away from Jogya. Kraton and Taman Sari can be visited by foot or by beca- the trishaw.

  27. Thanks Betty and Ling Shing for the tips. I guess now i know how to plan our itinenery and full use of time and place to visit.Thanks..

    1. Most welcome, and wish you have a wonderful trip!

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    1. That's great. Btw, is there many tourists visit Iceland after visiting Jogya?

  29. nice photos mom, i like it

    visit to Dieng Plateau come on guys
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  30. Rental Mobil Jogja profesional siap memberikan layanan transportasi di wilayah JOGJA. Kami mengedepankan keamanan maupun keramahan sopir demi kenyamanan pelanggan,dengan harga yang murah.
    Kami memberikan jasa Rental Mobil Jogja untuk semua kebutuhan transportasi, meliputi Rental Mobil Jogja untuk keperluan pribadi, paket wisata, rombongan acara pernikahan, hingga keperluan Rental Mobil Jogja untuk perusahaan. Konsumen dapat menikmati layanan antar jemput Rental Mobil Jogja ke/dari Bandara Adisutjipto Jogja, Stasiun Kereta Api Tugu Yogyakarta, Terminal Bus Giwangan Yogyakarta, atau lokasi lainnya.
    Penyedia jasa Rental Mobil Jogja Seluruh armada kami adalah mobil baru yang dilengkapi asuransi All Risk, berada dalam kondisi baik, selalu mendapatkan perawatan service berkala. Yang terpenting,setiap layanan yang diberikan Rental Mobil Jogja sudah dilengkapi driver/sopir pribadi yang sangat profesional. Nikmati layanan kami sebagai Rental Mobil Jogja terpercaya.

    1. Thank you Noto. We hope you will provide the best service to our readers.


  31. Previously I ‘m sorry if Mr / Mrs less pleasing of this comment. Warmest greetings, my name Jati, our company is Ganesha Jogja Tour & Travel. We are a travel company particularly in the Jogja vacation. If Mr / Mrs want go to Jogja please don’t hesitate to call / whatsapp me at +628985101301. Free for ask.

    Here is a sample Jogja Tour:
    4D3N Jogja Tour (FULL BOARD / ALL IN)

    Day 1
    ● Breksi edge
    ● Kotagede (silver & chocolate factory)
    ● Sandboarding parangkusumo beach
    ● Parangtritis beach
    ● Manding (leather arts)
    ● Alun2 selatan (bicycle with lights)

    Day 2
    ● Merapi lava tour (exploring the rest of the Merapi eruption using jeeps)
    ● Borobudur temple
    ● Kalibiru

    Day 3
    ● Timang beach
    ● Cave tubing pindul
    ● Pinus Forest
    ● Bukit bintang hill

    Day 4
    ● Drop off to airport

    Price start from:
    RM 602 (ALL IN)*
    RM 452 (exclude hotel)*

    • 1 ringgit = 3500 rupiah (depends on exchange rate)
    • Price for min 5 person, more or less person please call / whatsapp for price

    All package types include:
    ● Private Car AC (Toyota Avanza / Xenia for 2-5 pax, Isuzu elf 11 seats for 6-11 pax, Isuzu elf 16/17 seats for 12-16 pax, medium bus 31-33 seats for 17-33 pax, bigbus 44-54 seats for more than 33 pax)
    ● Hotels 3 nights *2 (+ breakfast)
    ● Driver
    ● Driver Meals
    ● Parking fees
    ● Entrance fee stated in the itinerary
    ● 4x4 jeep in merapi (4 person shared)
    ● shuttle to timang / kalibiru, kalibiru if using van have to use motorcycle to shuttle
    ● Dinner and lunch based itinerary (halal meals)
    ● Mineral water during tour
    ● Insurance

    ● Airport taxes
    ● Gondola ride if go to timang
    ● Personal expences (laundry, pulse, shopping etc.)
    ● Additional menu for dinner / lunch (if included)
    ● Tips for driver (optional)

    Prices can be change any time
    Prices are not valid for high season

    >>> More packages please do not hesitate to call or whatsapp +628985101301 (FREE).
    >>> Email:
    >>> Facebook: (Jati Wijaya)

    ***** Many thanks for the attention. *****

    1. Dear tour operator,
      Please provide your best service to our readers.

  32. Terimakasih infonya sangat membantu
    salam Aqiqah Jogja

  33. This temple looks somehow like Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Do they have the same origin?

    1. Dear Tonkin, good day! As far as we know, Both Angkor and Prambanan were built as Hindu temples. Angkor architecture depicts the universe base on Hinduism, while Prambanan was dedicated to three main Gods in Hinduism.

      Angkor was then serves as Buddhism temple, until today. While Prambanan remains as Hinduism temple.

  34. k mau nanya, kalau kita ngambil sesuatu yang ada di candi prambanan untuk dibawa pulang akan ada masalah gak yah??

    Rental Mobil Jogja

    1. Dear Friend,
      Good day! I don't think we can bring anything from the candi.

  35. wah bagus yah tempatnya..sangat menarik.

  36. wah bagus yah tempatnya..sangat menarik.

  37. cool keren lah tempatnya jadi kangen

  38. Thanks for visitting my country
    Hope u enjoy Prambanan Temple

  39. Most welcome Adi. You country is beautiful.

  40. menarik blog dan artikelnya
    sewa mobil jogja
    Info Sewa HIace Jogja, sewa elf jogja di sini tempatnya

  41. Artikel yang bagus Kak
    kunjungi artikel kami juga sewa elf jogja

  42. Artikel yang bagus kak, Terus Menulis ya kak
    janagan lupa kunjungi Info kami..

  43. Prambanan adalah salah satu karya seni yang menakjubkan....,,

    1. Cannot be more agree with you. It is a masterpiece of art.

  44. Thank you for your information on your tour companies. Please make sure you give the best services to our readers.
