
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Day Trip to Kuang Si Waterfall, Luang Prabang

Kuang Si Waterfall is located around 30 kms south of Luang Prabang. The journey took around one hour by car. Traveling in a group of four, we decided to use tut-tut. Our advice- try to get the price from a few tourism companies to get the best offer. We took the package from Phone Travel Co with the price of  250,000 Kip for 4 people.

The road was not in very good condition, especially after leaving Luang Prabang town area. But still, the journey was not very rocky for a tut-tut truck. There was literally no signboard on road, thus it might be hard to drive there by our own (not sure Waze could be used or not). 

8:30 am sharp, Mr. Teng, the representative from Phone Travel Co came to our hotel together with the driver. The tut-tut was in fact a small truck with two rows of seat at the back (upper right). The road was good in the town area (upper right), but getting worse when we traveled out of the town (lower right). There were nothing much to see along the road, except huts and farms.

We reached the entrance of Tat Kuang Si Park at around 9:30 am (upper left). Kuang Si Waterfall is located in the park. The entrance fee was 20,000 Kip per person (upper left). There were a few rows of shops selling souvenirs, snacks, and drinks beside the ticketing counter (upper right). Kuang Si Bear Rescue Center was right beside the entrance of the park (lower right). Several black bears which were saved from the local poachers lived their good life in the center. The bear rescue center was a part of the waterfall conservation area, thus no extra entrance fee required. 

Souvenir shop at the rescue center.

It might be too early for the bears to entertain visitors. They were sleeping. We could hear the sound of splashing water from the conservation center. The whole center was not big. We could see everything there in less than 10 minutes. There was a path that led us from the center to the bank of the stream. The 50 meter high Kuang Si Waterfall is located some 100 meters away upstream. 

Turquoise green colour water flows through green forest is picturesque. Pools are formed in between waterfalls. Visitors can take a dip in the water in two of these ponds.  

We came across several smaller waterfalls when we walked upstream.

Water flows rapidly in certain area.

A beautiful multi-layer waterfall. There was a restaurant beside the waterfall.

We continued to walk upstream following the path. The thunderous sound of water were getting stronger. We finally saw Kuang Si Waterfall two minutes later.

A bridge was built to provide the best view to the visitors.

Visitors were taking photo from the bridge.

Second and third layers of the waterfall could be clearly seen from the bridge.

Kuang Si Park was clean and the walking path was safe for sandals (upper left). Picnic tables and benches were prepared along the walking path (upper right). Changing area was available as well (lower right). There was a restaurant in the park. The food was a bit pricey, but well, that's the price to pay if we want to take a meal beside the waterfall. The restaurant was located nearby the waterfall.

Ta Kuang Si Park is worth a visit (unless you can find something else better to do in Luang Prabang). The park was clean, organized, with clear signboards reminding visitors to stay safe and stay clean. There was literally no mosquito in the park (at least none of us were bitten). There was no food and beverage sold in the park, except Lao Green Jungle Cafe and Restaurant. The food there was a bit pricey, so you might want to buy some snacks and drinking water at the entrance of the park. Wearing slippers or sandals are advised, and there is no dress code for those who want to swim in the pools. Last but not least, we would have more privacy in the morning, as most visitors would arrive at the park in the afternoon (usually around 11 am - 1 pm). The park would be very crowded in the afternoon.

Well, Luang Prabang might be our last destination for 2017. What's next? We have not decided yet, but, there are a few in our wishlist. We hope you enjoy reading our sharing about Luang Prabang.

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